Ashtanga means eight limbs or branches, of which asana (postures) is merely one branch. Ashtanga Yoga is sequential series of postures combining movement with free breathing.
What makes this practice unique is “vinyasa”, linking breath with movement and “trishtana” the 3 points of attention
- 1 breath
- 2 asana ( postures)
- 3 drishti (gazing point)
Every practice begins with Surya Namaskara A and B. and then moves through 3 sections of asanas (postures).
- Standing Poses
- Seated Poses
- Closing sequence
Ashtanga Mysore style class is s a silent practice and the traditional method by which Ashtanga yoga is taught in Mysore India.
Students work closely with the teacher so that each student develops at their own pace. Under close guidance of the teacher, who will use a combination of verbal and hands-on adjustments.
By teaching in this traditional way each student is practicing at the right level for them not a ‘generalised’ class level and so it is like having one to one instruction within a group environment.
This method is about developing a personal yoga practice that works for you.
Students do not need to know the sequence before coming to Mysore classes.
All are welcome from a complete beginner to a seasoned practitioner.
To learn more about Ashtanga Yoga as taught in Mysore,India